Program pembayaran spp sekolah
Program pembayaran spp sekolah

Program pembayaran spp sekolah

Sistem ini bekerja memasukan dan menyimpan data, proses penilaian siswa serta laporan nilai akhir siswa sehingga lebih mudah mengetahui informasi nilai siswa yang akan disampaikan oleh pihak sekolah. Permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pengolahan nilai raport di SMP ABC saat ini masih menggunakan Aplikasi Raport Digital (ARD) dan penginputan nilai siswa masih area lokal.

Program pembayaran spp sekolah Program pembayaran spp sekolah

Pengolahan Data Nilai Siswa Berbasis Web merupakan suatu system yang memberikan informasi laporan keaktifan siswa secara online yang berupa laporan nilai serta informasi siswa yang bersangkutan dengan berbasiskan web, sehingga membantu kecepatan dan kualitas dalam penyampaian informasi. So it can be concluded that this system can solve existing problems by facilitating the processing of payment data, assisting in the creation of school money payment reports, helping in speeding up the search for payment data, knowing the payment information of tuition without having to come to school, and knowing the payment data report quickly without having to go through a long recap process. Based on the results of the system test and the results of the questionnaire by 10 respondents that 14% stated enough, 44% stated well and 42% stated very well calculated by the calculation of the Likert scale of 86% entered the excellent qualification which means successful. In addition, the system design uses PHP and HTML programming languages, database management is MySQL and uses the Laravel framework.

Program pembayaran spp sekolah

The system is designed using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and SMS Gateway notifications as well as system development methods using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall model. The purpose of this research is to help solve problems in the processing of tuition payment data, making payment data reports, searching payment data, knowing payment data information, and knowing the school money payment report. The Tuition Payment Information System was designed because at this time the payment of tuition at SMP Islam Cilacap still uses the general ledger, causing inaccuracies in payment data by employees (administrative).

Program pembayaran spp sekolah