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You can get the wood from dismantling items (press and hold an item in your inventory, and hit dismantle - this destroys the item and gives you some materials) or finding wood and tree items on the ground, the stone from nearby shops or stones on the ground, and the gold you can get from winning battles in the arena. You’ll need some resources (25 wood, 25 stone, and 250,000 gold). Quest 13: Galar of Myrkheim in Vinland - A Fine Blacksmith Indeed: Upgrade equipment (3) and Build a Blacksmith New: This quest requires that you build a blacksmith in your Origin Town by speaking to Gofannon there.

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Experienced: I’d hope you have built a bestiary and got a follower by now, this should just be an autocomplete. Now you’ll have a friend! You can name it in a bestiary as well. Any follower will do although I recommend a Snake for its high action rate and ability to poison enemies, and they cost just a handful of gold. Find a Bestiary in Svarga or in Vinland and buy a follower. Hide is easily found by dismantling Bandit's Cloaks and Hoods, and other low tier gear like Simple Shoes. Stone can be a little awkward but my preferred method is farming the clickables that can appear on the map, as they respawn into different things one of which can be a stone giving us up to 10 stone at once! Check the video below for more detailed methods as we'll also need stone later on for more buildings. The gold we should have covered after 5 wins in the arena.

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Quest 8: Asmund in Svarga - The Bestiary: Build a Bestiary and get a follower ​ New: It’s time to build your first bestiary and get a follower! Building cost for your first bestiary is:

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A nice new tip for Aethric - if you're wondering where to receive the next quest from check your world map, NPCs with a quest for you will show up! Video walkthroughs for each tier in Aethric at the bottom of this guide. I have also adjusted this for Aethric where possible. Note from Shabbash: Huge thank you to Konq for writing up this legendary questing guide and also for permission to upload to this site. Read these line-by-line if you’d like to avoid being spoiled, or, I dunno, don’t read this. Also note, all of these will be spoilers for the questline.

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Use the outline of this document to jump between quests quickly. If you’re returning or have ignored the story quest until later, and are something like Tier 9 or Tier 10, look at the experienced section for more options to complete each quest. If you’re a new player, look at the new section. Finding lower tier monsters and bosses can be a pain, so here’s a neat little guide to help! Most quests will be split into two sections - new and experienced. Welcome to the guide on the Unfelled questline! The main Hero of Aethric story questline is the same as Orna, however this guide has adjusted the strategies to cater specifically for Aethric.

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